Wednesday, September 19, 2018

How Viruses effect our mobile ...📱📲📲📲

A virus is maliciously written code that replicates it self.It may damage hardware, software,or information files.Human interaction is necessary for a virus to spread to another user's files.New viruses are discovered almost daily.
             Most viruses exist simply to replicate themselves.Other can do serious damage ,such as erasing files or a document attaching itself to that medium.

1.Downloading apps from untrusted sources:-

Downloading apps from wrong resources is a great way to inadvertently end up infecting your smartphone with malware. Many hackers target users by getting them to download apps that look innocuous, but actually use repackaged icons of popular, trusted apps to trick people into installing software that attacks the device after installation.
So where should you avoid downloading apps in order to minimize the risk of inadvertently installing malware on your device? Avoid third-party app stores, which are numerous on the Android operating system and are notorious for hosting many apps that compromise Android smartphones’ security. Google’s vetting of apps submitted to the Google Play Store isn’t perfect, but it provides an important level of protection — protection you aren’t getting if you use a different app store. Many of the apps that you can download for a third-party app store collect information about your device and serve ad banners regardless of what you’re doing on your device.

2. Downloading the wrong apps from the Google Play Store or the iOS App Store:-

The only sure way to never download any malware is to avoid downloading apps altogether, since infected apps occasionally make it into the Play Store or the App Store despite Google and Apple’s best efforts to weed them out. So even when you’re downloading apps from the official app store, it’s still a good idea to do some research and use common sense to protect the security of your device.
When you find a new app that you’d like to try out, make sure to read some reviews first. They’ll usually tell you if there’s a problem with the app, and a complete lack of reviews is a big red flag that should tell you to avoid downloading until some appear. You can also check up on what the developer has created in the past and what kind of reputation those apps have. If the developer hasn’t published anything else, it may be a good idea to find an alternative.

3. Clicking download links on suspicious websites or in-app ads:-

Another avenue through which hackers promote malware-infected apps are download links placed on the web and as ads in other apps. Even if you aren’t using a third-party app store, you could still see malicious apps advertised when you’re browsing the mobile web. Even if a download link shows a name and an icon that you trust, you still shouldn’t tap a download link on the web or in an ad, even if you trust the website or the app where the link shows up. The upshot is that you shouldn’t download apps from locations other than the official app store for your phone.

4. Ignoring basic security practices:-

We wouldn’t advocate for spending all of your time and energy worrying about the security of your device. But if you’re going to be browsing the web and downloading apps on your phone, it’s not a bad idea to download an app that protects the security of your device. As Lookout notes, “sneaky, drive-by download sites can download a potentially malicious app file without any user intervention.” A good way to protect yourself is to avoid installing random downloads from your download manager, but security apps are a good way to block threats. Installing an app that will have an eye on the security of your device can free you up to worry about other things.
If you install an app that has the ability to run malware scans, complete one regularly. Depending on the app, you can run a scan automatically (whether you want to set it to once a day or once a week), which will help you keep an eye on the security of your smartphone. Take advantage of Google’s built-in malware scanner, and always keep your software up to date to ensure that you have the latest security fixes.


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